All Episodes
Displaying 1 - 22 of 22 in total
Writing Simpler, more maintainable DataProviders with PHPUnit's TestWith attribute
If you love using data providers in PHPUnit, but find defining them verbose (and potentially buggy), then you’ll love the attribute-based approach in PHPUnit. In this ...

Some thoughts on Accel's $57M Series A Investment in Laravel
Recently, Laravel took a $57M Series A investment from Accel. What might this mean for the future of Laravel – for the future of PHP more generally? I don't have a cry...

How to Set a POST Variable From a File When Using Curl
When using curl, how do you set the value of one or more of the POST variable’s from the contents of a file? For the longest time, I didn’t know. But recently I found ...

Validate Dockerfiles With One Command
Docker is an excellent way of deploying software. But, how do you know if your build configurations (your Dockerfiles) are valid without building them? In this episode...

Composer's show command and why you should use it
Composer is an amazing tool that makes working with PHP so much simpler than it ever was before!In this short(-ish) episode, I want to introduce you to Composer's show...

What it is (or can be) like learning Java as a PHP developer
In this episode, I'm discussing a recent post that I wrote on my blog about what it's like to learn Java as a PHP developer. If you're, primarily a PHP developer and h...

I'm working on a new video and tutorial series showing how to build and deploy a web app in PHP
It's early days, so I don't know how detailed the project will end up being, yet. But, I wanted to share what I'm thinking with you, in this week's episode of the podc...

Talking with Shelley Benhoff about Docker and Docker Compose, being a Docker Captain, Kubernetes, and more!
In this episode, I'm talking with my friend Shelley Benhoff about Docker and Docker Compose, being a Docker Captain, and Kubernetes. It's a fun, warm episode, recorded...

StackOverflow partners with OpenAI. What do you think?
If you're not aware, on May 6th, StackOverflow and OpenAI announced a partnership where OpenAI will have access to StackOverflow's API. This will allow ChatGPT to be t...

Good UI is Worth the Investment
As software designers and developers, how often do we think about — or even put ourselves in the position of — the users whom we’re creating software for? How often ha...

Will we end up with AI-generated technical debt?
In this episode, unlike in previous ones, I have a guest on the show. I sit down with my friend Andrew Kew to talk about whether AI is a net positive or negative for u...

Live Reload Go Projects with wgo is so worth it. Here's why.
Building web apps in Go is extremely rewarding. No surprise there, right?! However, as Go’s a compiled language, to see changes, you need to recompile and restart them...

How to set build arguments in Docker Compose's config file
You can specify build arguments in Dockerfiles to set variables required at build time. However, when you're using Docker Compose and one (or more) of the services in ...

Deploy a Go app With a SQLite Database on
In this episode, the first for season 2, I talk about my recent experience deploying a Go app, backed by a SQLite database to Warts and all. Links from the epi...

How to Create a Markdown Blog in PHP With the Slim Framework and Why You Should Love the Slim Framework
In this episode, I step through a recent post that I wrote for the Twilio blog showing how to build a Markdown-based blog with the Slim Framework and PHP's Iterators -...

Using Composer Path Repositoriess While Running PHP Apps With Docker Compose
In this week's episode I shared a little experience I had during the week where I didn't update my docker-compose.yml file to account for the fact that the path to a f...

Docker Essentials (the book) is READY. Let's have a celebratory episode
In this episode, I'm not talking much tech, sharing a bit of behind-the-scenes stories about what it took to get Docker Essentials finished, about what it's taken to c...

Docker Essentials (the Book) is READY (and what I learned about docker build recently)
In this episode, I'm SUPER excited to share with you that Docker Essentials, the book that I've been working on for many months is finally READY! I'm also keen to shar...

Recent experiences and learnings with tailwindcss
In this episode, I share some of my recent experiences and learnings with tailwindcss, my frontend, css framework of choice, specifically building a fully responsive d...

Sharing the love for the responsive design mode in modern web browsers
In this episode, I'm sharing my absolute love and affection for responsive design mode in modern web browsers, such as Firefox, Chrome, and Safari. It's made my life s...

How to tell a Docker client to communicate with a remote Docker daemon
In this episode, I discuss how the Docker client communicates with the Docker daemon, how I came to re-learn this essential fact while building a CD workflow in GitHub...

Podcast Introduction
If you're thinking of subscribing to the podcast, but don't know what it's about, listen to this episode. In just a few short minutes, I'll share with you what you're ...